Celebrate Good Times, Come On! Liebster Blog Award!

I won two prizes in April! First, I found an amazing community of writers through Robert LeeBrewer's MNINB Platform Challenge . Second, I got nominated by Rebecca Barray for the Liebster Blog Award! Rebecca was kind enough to share "Lauri has a great voice, and I often laugh out loud when reading her posts." I usually aim my humor somewhere between "giggle demurely" and "pee your pants," so sounds like I am hitting the target. Seriously though, I didn't even realize I had developed my voice yet, but maybe it has just been finding its way out. Maybe that makes three prizes in April. Here are the Liebster rules: 1. Thank the one who nominated you by linking back. 2. Nominate five blogs with less than 200 followers. 3. Let the nominees know by leaving a comment at their sites. 4. Add the award image to your site. With no further ado, I...