How to Write for Children and Executives
I sometimes quip about my corporate upbringing, complaining about
being forced to boil down extremely complex projects into 1-page recommendations
under the glare of fluorescent lights. Every word was hand-picked. Every point was succinct. Every sentence had a vital role. Some great thoughts were deleted; their lives
cut short.
Picture books challenge authors to bring a character
to life, create an emotional bond with readers, and complete an adventure all
within a few words. Writing efficiently is also a survival skill in business. Corporate training frequently uses George Orwell's writing rules, though of course boiled down to something like:
A picture book usually provides 32 pages for me to fill up. I have the freedom to be creative and the
space to use adjectives. Wonderful,
delightful, awe-inspiring adjectives! To rewire
creativity into my brain, I had to use the thesaurus to find words other than
"impact" and "profit."
I aim for about 600 of these delicious words for a picture book draft.
As research I looked at a few of my old business
recommendations: 1 page, single-spaced,
1 inch margins, about 600 words. 600
words? What the coincidence?! Little did I know I was training to write
children's books during those years of solitary confinement in my cubicle.
(Sidenote: It is difficult to avoid the obvious
conclusion that executives are like children who can only sit through one book
before growing bored. In their defense executives are very busy people who only have a few minutes to review
your reco before they go finish their pillow forts. Though I do wonder how many
more approvals I may have received if I had included more pretty little pictures.)

1. Use simple words. Never use a long word where a short one will
2. Avoid worn out phrases - use fresh figures of speech to invoke strong imagery.
3. Use active voice instead of
passive voice.
4. Do not use two words when one
will do. If it is possible to cut out a word, always cut it out.
Efficiency in writing does not mean stripping out all the creativity. Implementing these rules will only remove the redundancy and inactive words to create more space for Harriet the Hazardous Hen and Reginald the Rambunctious Rooster to run free. Just remember to finish the fence first; I am still cleaning up the chaos those two caused last time they went free range.
Don't believe me that picture
books are hard to write? Check out this
great NPR story.
Great post Lauri! Love the comparison of PB to corporate writing. I can see why you won the Liebster blog. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteI agree, picture books are difficult to write. I thought it was easy so I challenged myself to write one, two and many more unpublished ms. There is so much to learn about picture book writing. Now publishers are asking us to write a story with great characters, a thought-out plot in less than 500 words!
I believe they're hard to write, and bow before the creative genius of those who do it! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for following my blog!
I love the quote from Pascal! I think this is a great reminder to be efficient with my word selection, no matter what I'm writing. I struggle with this. I like to use 5 words where 1 will do! But I'm learning!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I'm envious of your ability to impart so much information so succiently. I see that you have already been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award. Please allow me to add my vote as well.
ReplyDeleteI admire anybody who strives to make a picture book. Like Paul, I'm nominating you as well:
ReplyDeleteThank you Jennifer and Paul! I am excited to get to know all your nominees sites too!