Not Listening to Critique

I have been a naughty girl. I realized I have been a bad critiquee. Yes, I always say please and thank you. No, I wasn't picking feedback fights. I just wasn't listening. (And this after my recent post on the value of critique groups .) It wasn't on purpose. I swear. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. (geesh, that's morbid. Why do kids say that?) Here's what happened. I was diligently accepting the line edits and other simple suggestions, but I was totally missing the real critique. "Make more room for the illustrator." "Focus on creating scenes." "Dialogue will help you avoid telling." It was there all along... The ridiculous thing is I feared someone was taking the line edits from my critiques and thinking it was ready to go. Was my subconscious banging its head on a wall trying to alert me? Since my naiveté is tired of being picked o...