You Can't Hide Your Emotions from Your Pen

The forces of the cosmos have been itching my britches all month: 14 days of being sick, Two water main breaks (always on the days I really need a shower), Car accident (but minor), Fell down some steps and bumped my wittle head, Loss of two special loved ones... all in one gray, bleak, wintery January. My horoscope predicted it all, always 100% right, because this is the guy who writes it- you can tell he knows his stuff: Rick Levine, the "other" man in my life... Here are some horoscope highlights for the month: January 9: You feel as if you're completely in charge today, but this sense of authority is probably more illusion than truth. It's not that your life is running amok; it's just that circumstances can unfold without your expressed permission. *Though I was surrounded by chaos, this horoscope made me laugh out loud, ...