Do the Big Things First

This is my 100 th blog post! Wooty hooty doo! So I wanted it to be special. Which meant it was big. Which meant I definitely wasn't going to do it. Yes, I am a world-class-this-is-important-procrastinator. I pondered somehow skipping it, but the Blogger platform is really good at math. I considered faking it, but I'm a terrible liar. I'm also very gullible. I'm so gullible in fact, I sometimes fall for my own lies even though I'm a terrible liar. I wondered about just not mentioning it, but what if My 100th Post held a grudge and plotted an elaborate revenge scenario which would play out right at the moment I found success? No, I had to face up to it. But I didn't have to do it today. Or the next day. Or like the 13 days after that either. And the weight of it was dragging me down a little bit each day until I was seeing everything from my toddler's perspective. (FYI, it's really filthy down here on the floor. Seriously, someone ...