How to Break Up with a Manuscript

Hey there, My First Manuscript. [ Casually punches manuscript in shoulder and smiles uneasily ] We need to talk. I Love You Not (image by nubuck via We've had this off again, on again relationship for a long time now. You and I both know this isn't going to work out. I mean, I love your humor and sweetness, but it's time we end this thing. It's not you- it's me. I will always adore your cute anthropomorphic characters, but you know society frowns on them. I'm tired of having to cover up our secret. But it's not you- it's me. I've grown a lot in the last year. Sure, my word selection and dialogue skills have improved, but I can't fix you. It's not fair to you. You deserve someone who loves you for who you are. [ Mumbles under breath] I doubt you'll actually find anyone who does, but you never know. But again it's me, not you. ...