Birthday Partying like a Kid

It's my birthday today!

I was having a deep philosophical conversation with my 3-year-old this morning about how cool it would be if I became a kid again on my birthday. 

So when I was asked to play Cootie, I said "No! It's my birthday! And I want to play Cootie AND make puzzles!" (Sidenote: I won Cootie, not that it matters of course...)

I followed that with toast with butter and jelly which is a treat because my adult self usually skips the butter. 

And I showered! (that really wasn't the kid in me so much as the overworked mom who often neglects to care for herself.)
Happy Birthday to me! (Just be thankful
I didn't have any Easy Cheese in the pantry.)

We walked to kindergarten this morning, because I definitely would have done that when I as little. 

I did a happy birthday to me song and dance in the kitchen (does it go without saying that this was a silly dance?) twice, because my daughter said "Again!" and kid me said "of course!"

I suffered some disappointment when I realized I didn't have the ingredients or proper adult supervision to make pizza buns.But I recovered by skipping right to a delightful dessert of a large dollop of Reddi-whip squirted right into my mouth.

I was thirsty by then, so we made some Kool-Aid with 1/2 cup of sugar (because, hey, there's no need to go completely crazy!)

Now, I'm just sitting here with a full Kool-Aid mustache doing my best coloring with crayons.  (Have you colored with crayons recently? It's really hard to stay in the lines with a blunt waxy stick.)

And it's only noon! It's busy being a kid.

How would you spend the rest of your birthday if you were a kid again?  It's kind of rainy here today, so there very well may be some puddle jumping, worm chasing or (gasp!) a trip to Chuck 'e Cheese in my future!


  1. Happy Birthday, Lauri!
    I've been wanting to go to the zoo lately. That feels like a kid thing to do. :)
    Hope your day is awesome.

    1. Ooh, yes I forgot about the Christmas lights at the zoo! I need to pencil that in here during my birthday month celebration...

  2. Happy birthdat, Lauri! Sounds like a fabulous way to spend your birthday. I've never done the Reddi Whip thing, but my son has recently on thanksgiving thanks to my husband. On my birthday, I think I'd like to skip around all day, play hop scotch and Jacks!

    1. Wait...a...minute. Are you serious? I command you to run to the store to acquire spray whip cream of your choice and as soon as you pay the cashier, pop the top and load up your mouth. You can't leave these things on your bucket list forever!

  3. Aghhhh!!!! Happy Birthday to you!!!!! Love the whipped cream right into the mouth- I would have wasted time with the spoon..... How would I spend my birthday on a rainy day? I think I'd take a nap. Oh wait, that was the tired adult talking. As a kid, let's ay around 10, I'd break out the Parcheesi board, hot chocolate, and marshmallow fluff. Hope you had a fabulous day!

    1. Marshmallow fluff, check. Luckily I keep some on hand for situations like this when whip cream alone isn't enough!. P.S. My mom sent a gift card to the Fine Grind! I'm splurging on an exotic latte...

  4. Happy Birthday! The Reddi Whip thing cracked me up!

  5. Happy (late) Birthday! :) You turned 6 & 2/5, right? Wait. Then it wouldn't be a birthday... But you gave me inspiration - on my birthday (Christmas Eve), I will act like an adult. I will wear a full suit, eat civilized, and be 75% serious. :) And treat myself to some chocolate (after all, adults ALWAYS have candy, right? RIGHT?)! :D

    1. I love that idea. Because if your parents make you get all dressed up in stuffy clothes for Christmas Eve, you'll be super annoyed. But if you turn it around and make it a GAME to act like an adult, it will be fun and you'll crack Josie up too.

  6. Redi-whip. Yesssssss! Woot, woot to being a kid again, Lauri! You did it up right. :)

    1. Well when I have your red-clown-nose avatar staring at me all the can I not go a little crazy!


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