Writing a Birthday Party
My 6yo's birthday last week seriously cramped my writing time. I worry when days pass without writing. Will I forget how to write? Will my pen weep ink on my desk? Will my ideas elope with some other writer? I was also having a hard time pulling the party together. My mantra for this year was "keep it simple," like the good ol' days: pin the tail, hit the piƱata, sing the song, eat the cake, and GO HOME! But instead of simple my plan just looked loosey-goosey. It needed structure. It needed...a story! With that inspiration I got a little writing time and pulled the party together. You'll have to resist judging the literary merit of the following Little Mermaid-inspired party surprise: "Stop the music! I just received a letter from Ariel." I know you are having a birthday party, but Scuttle flew in with news: Ursula is trying to overthrow my kingdom! I 'm away on my honeymoon with my true love, Prince Erik. So, I need your help. Wil...