The Princess and the Stinky Cheese

I always have a blast with Susanna Leonard Hill's seasonal contests which offer both the inspiration to write and a fun block party atmosphere with a great community of writers. The March Madness Contest : Write a children's story , in poetry or prose , maximum 400 words , that is a fractured fairy tale . You can post entries until Monday March 24 at midnight. So fracture a fairy tale and come play! I'll be bringing a stinky cheese plate... The Princess and the Stinky Cheese By Lauri C Meyers "If you don't find a princess to marry soon," the Queen said, "I'll be forced to give the crown to the dog." "Mother, your ridiculous "true princess" tests are the problem," Prince Plumbottom whined. "Let's see. Merida didn't feel the grain of rice in her pillow." "Snored like a bear." "Fiona couldn't taste donkey snot in her soup." "Gobbled i...