Sunshine Award and 7 Weird Things

I have to admit I've been hoping to get the Sunshine Award because my 4-H nickname was Sunshine. Awww! I know. I'm adorable. Imagine my happiness when my lovely friend Leslie Zampetti nominated me! Leslie and I first "met" in the online critique group " The Yellow Brick Road ." We officially met in person at the NJ SCBWI Conference a couple years ago, with a classic " Squeee! Oh my gosh! Is it really you!" *insert gigantic hug here* Her blog posts pack a double punch with great posts and the blog title "Rear in Gear" to kick you in the pants to sit down and write. For this award you need to share 10 interesting things about yourself. Now, like Leslie, I find this grueling for everyone, on account of my terribly boring self. And even worse I've shared things before , so I felt obliged to come up with new things. Ugh. I'd rather eat boogers. 1. I don't eat boogers. I may or may not have a kid who does, but I...