Subversive Picture Books (Part 2)- Nakeyness!
We are talking subversive books
this month, and today I want to cover the oh-so-shameful topic of nudity in picture books. GASP! Since nudity has caused books to be banned, it's appropriate to consider in a subversive light.
I'm going to start with the
blatant books which use NAKED right in the title.

(Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed, by Mo Willems)
Please use your best movie
commercial voice for the following: "In a
world where everyone is naked, one naked mole rat dares to wear clothes." Mo
turns the tables on us. He makes us feel uncomfortable not by the nudity, but
by the un-nudity. And in doing so he weaves a lovely tale of being yourself.
(One Naked Baby, by Maggie Smith)
This book has been a staple in
our house for six years, because it made my kids (who are champion streakers)
laugh and it made me feel like a normal mom. I understood what it was like to
chase a wet streak down the hall only to have that same baby roll around in a
muddy puddle within hours. Plus, it has counting to ten and back, exploring the outdoors, and just enjoying life on every page.
(Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door, by Adam Rubin and
illustrated by Daniel Salmieri)
This book could get attacked by a
critique group for many reasons.
"The MC is named Mr.
Fookwire- have you read that out loud?"
"There's a lot of
"There's only adults and
But I want to focus on the most
disturbing part. I have been haunted by the image of squirrel wedgies on page
22. I've found myself asking, "Does the squirrel wedgie move the story
line along?" I've also found myself asking, "Why can I not stop
staring at these squirrel buttcheeks??" But it is relevant to the story, because
a wedgie so perfectly establishes the pain of the squirrels and the character
of the mean bully cat Muffins.
(Stars, by Mary Lyn Ray and Marla Frazee)
Oh you didn't see this one
coming! But this gorgeous, thought-provoking, heart-warming picture book holds
a secret on page 25. Yes, there is one
boy with his jammies not quite on. My kids can find a butt from a mile away, so
this is obviously the best part of the book. Do you need a butt? No. Is a
butt-giggle a nice bit of comic relief after thinking about days when you don't
feel shiny like a star? Yes, it is. And when it comes to including something
relatable, why not a tushie? We all have them.
"I forgot!"
(David Gets in Trouble, by David Shannon)
David Shannon doesn’t wait so
long - by page 9, poor David is headed for school in his tighty whities. More pictures
of David's wrong-doings fill every page. Even I felt a little unsure reading
this to my first child. Do I want her to see cat-tail-pulling and
funny-face-at-the-wrong-time-making? And what is wrong with my spawn that she
is laughing at every page? But if we didn't go on a naughty ride with David, we
wouldn't so appreciate the "I'm Sorry" spread at the end.
(Naked!, by Michael Ian Black and illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi)
It's fun to celebrate being naked and having a good run around the house. But Black also warns us of the danger of nakedness - getting cold. Ridpath Ohi does an expert job of "keeping it vague." It's clear the boy is naked, but you never see any naked parts - not even a butt cheek.

(In the Night Kitchen, by Maurice Sendak)
I can't lie: a lot of Sendak books scare the doody out of me. The thought of nearly being baked alive definitely scares the doody out of me. Thankfully Mickey is resourceful enough to save the cake and save his hide. Speaking of his hide, we see a lot of it! Many illustrators use a well-turned body of a well-placed prop to hide the goods, but not Sendak who gives a full frontal 4 times. I think it's relevant to read this 1970 book in context of the streaking craze which began in the late 60s. Are we less free now than we were then?
C'mon Lauri - you've gotta add to the line up!
ReplyDeletelol, Cathy! Of course :) I think the thing here is that this is "innocent" nudity and playing with this stuff. This is not something that's meant to be dirty or inappropriate, but there are people who see EVERYthing as inappropriate. Now, I happen to be a pretty conservative person and see many things as inappropriate that a LOT of people see as "just fine" in today's society, so me saying this really says something about how ridiculous people can be! lol I mean, those are the type people I would suspect would call Animal Rights knowing that I'm sitting here waiting for the annoying fly in my room to light on something so I can WHACK it! lol
DeleteI know, I know! I am so embarrassed to admit I haven't read it yet. It's not at my library but I just placed a hold on it to get it from another. I'll rectify this dreadful situation!! :)
Delete(Donna - I won't tell you that I'm president of the local fly preservation society, but please be kind to Fly Guys! jk)
And of course, let's not forget the ever-controversial Maurice Sendak classic In the Night Kitchen, which I happen to love.
ReplyDeleteI'm dying because I Naked! and In the Night Kitchen on the short list of books I needed to read before putting up the post and I didn't. Wow, you guys are good. I did look at it online, and there's definitely a lot happening in there. Honest reaction: I found myself questioning whether I was cool enough to expose my little girls to the book - though I felt I wouldn't have any hesitance if I had a son. It's good to see people who have what you have and are comfortable having it. My kids run around plenty saying "boys have weens!" (I don't remember how this term developed in our household, but it's stuck). I've got to read it cover to cover now!
DeleteAnd there's Estelle Takes a Bath.
ReplyDeleteOh this one sounds interesting. Adding to my Goodreads, so I can see how I feel about an adult running around naked in a picture book.
DeleteShould have read One Naked Baby earlier. I always thought it was my fault somehow that the kids enjoyed running around clothes-free. (Thankfully, they changed their ways. Now, they're all about picking their own outfits.)
ReplyDeleteAha! RELATABLE is such a critical element in picture books which work. And this applies both for kids and their elders:) You should just be proud you raised babies comfortable with their bodies and hope you can keep it that way.
DeleteLove this post, Lauri! My eldest son's favorite picture book is Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London. It goes well with your nakeyness theme. Here's an excerpt: Froggy looked down. "Oops!" cried Froggy. "I forgot to put on my pants!" Oh, you just have to read it. The excerpt doesn't do it justice.
ReplyDeleteI have to request that one at the library too! I once wore two different shoes to work, but I'm pretty glad I never forgot pants :)