Spooky Halloween Touch-the-body-parts Story

Having a few girls over for Halloween tonight, and I wanted to do a lovely spooky feel box for them. I remember my Mom and Dad doing this for us when we were little, and they always nailed the ambiance. I looked online for stories and decided it would need to be more authentic to have a chance of scaring them. Plus, then I could memorize it to add some realness. So... they already know I'm kooky and not afraid of gross stuff and I like to garden... So here is my story if you too need one to tell tonight. MWA HA HA HA HA! You guys, I haven’t told anyone about this, but when I was pulling up the zucchini plants today, I found a bone. (chicken bone boiled clean) I thought it was an animal bone, but then I found a few teeth. Those must be raccoon teeth I thought. (popcorn kernels and sunflower seeds) I stuck in my rake and pulled up stringy hair. A fox or a cat. There’s a totally reasonable explanation, I said to myself. (rice noodles) I scooped more dir...