Charmadillo - A Valentiny story

Love is in the air (along with viruses and snow, but let's focus on the love!) With Valentine's weekend here it is time to celebrate with S usanna Hill's annual Valentiny contest . The Contest : since writing for children is all about “big emotion for little people” (I forget who said that, but someone did so I put it in quotes!) and Valentines Day is all about emotion, write a Valentines story appropriate for children (children here defined as ages 12 and under) maximum 214 words in which someone feels brave ! You have until a minute-to-midnight on Valentine's Day to enter. Here is my entry in 204 words about an armadillo bravely telling his true love how he feels, sort of. I couldn't find any armadillo clip art, so I had the *bright* idea to draw some. But all the colored pencils were trapped in rooms with zooms, and all I could find were crayons, and also I can't draw very well, and well, maybe this wasn't my brightest idea ...