Thank you 2023! A gratitude post

Julie Hedlund’s 12 Days of Christmas is a magical renewal process that lets you give last year a hug and wave goodbye to ready your soul for the year ahead. Day 7 is about gratitude and I’d love to take a moment to send some thanks out in the world. * You need A LOT of support when you’re writing! Thank you to my tribe: My local writers support group for always being there, making writing less solitary, and listening to assorted rants… Marlaina, Mitu, Donna, Rebecca, Suzanne, Andria, Ariel, Chana, Kathleen, Naomi, Linda, Marilyn , and others who pop in—Thank you! My critique group partners who encourage me to keep going and help me polish manuscripts. Daniella, Ryann, Alice, Stephanie, Karen, Jamie, Sarah, Aimee, Linda, Amy. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! Special thanks for the authors who critiqued my work this year: Carol Joy Munro, Malcolm Newsome, and Justin Colon for critiquing my work. 12 x 12 participants, host Julie Hedlund, leaders, and all...